I am sorry to see that you are resigning your position, and appreciate your contacting us with this decision. I understand that you have your new family as well as your career to consider, but frankly, I am disappointed in the way you are going about this career transition. You’ve paid many compliments to Mercy Corps, expressed the desire to maintain a good relationship with us, and to one day rejoin us somewhere in the world. I assure you that if you leave your position without serving a full 30 days notice, you will have irreparably damaged your relationship with Mercy Corps, and made it extremely unlikely that Mercy Corps would welcome you back in the future. Further, Mercy Corps cannot give you a positive reference under these circumstances. Although this might not seem to be a problem now; sooner or later, a potential employer will require you to provide references.
You said that a lot of thought went into your decision to accept your new position, but I cannot see that the same effort of thought was invested in how to best exit Mercy Corps’ employ. Demonstrate to us that your compliments are more than mere flattery, and follow through on the commitment you made with Mercy Corps when you signed up with us. Show us that you take your responsibilities seriously, and extend the professional courtesy of allowing us the time needed to recruit your replacement, and ensure a handover of your duties.
Don’t burn your bridges Arif. You never know when our paths will cross—there might be a time when you find
6:04 PM
ampuh tenan boss-mu Yoh hehehhehe. Piye njuk meh kost nandi ngko??
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